Friday, June 8, 2012

Phalaenopsis bellina DPB 1

The Phalaenopsis bellina has always been a favourite of mine and over the years I have collected quite a few. While bellinas are now commonly available, experienced growers will know that premium bellinas are still rare.... amongst the many that I have seen, my favourites are still the wild jungle collected ones + the refined versions created by Uncle Moi Hwa of Moi Hwa Nursery.

***To protect the interest of Moi Hwa Nursery & Uncle Moi Hwa  who created and own the naming rights to many of the unregistered hybrids posted in this blog, parentage will not be mentioned.

A few months back, I shifted my phals to a new cooler growing area and many bellinas are now starting to bloom under the new growing conditions.

This wild specimen has large blooms and that unique untamed look.

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