Saturday, February 3, 2024

Phalaenopsis Dunman High in full glory

 The best by this plant since I bought it some time back....Phalaenopsis Dunman High. It has grown significantly larger since then and have been divided into 2. 

Phalaenopsis Dunman High

Bulbophyllum Spiesii

 This big guy produced multiple blooms in March 2023. Lasted quite a while and the insects did the pollination job for me. 


Bulbophyllum Spiesii 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Phalaenopsis Sonia Lai Xin Ya

 Hello 2024 and I finally have a new hybrid to ring in the new year after a very long break. Love the first flower. Intense red almost maroon with subtly visible concentric rings. A Phalaenopsis Teoh Tee Teong hybrid from Moi Hwa Nursery was one of the parent plants. First from the flasks to bloom. Looking forward to more surprises!

Phalaenopsis Sonia Lai Xin Ya