Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Finally after a long long wait

I got this from MH nursery just before he shuttered the farm.  Wasn't cheap and I have struggled to grow it well. I tried growing it in a pot with charcoal initially but it didn't do well, I then tied it to my teak wood orchid rack and frangipani. Both didn't work too. Finally I tried using a plastic chopstick holder from NTUC and a mix of coconut husk and spaghnum moss. and it worked. I have since took a cutting from the plant and tied it to my palm tree. Fast forward a few years and this is now spiking and should flower soon. The remaininng base has since generated another 2 healthy growths that are doing very well. You probably can tell its a Renenthera, this is the "传说中的“   yellow storiei .....

Yummy !!!!

I recently added a venus fly trap to grow out of curoisity.....  grown  in a glass bowl with a mixture of vermiculite, potting mix, spaghnum moss and coconut husk. Covered with moss , in a very wet enviromnent and enjoys close to full sun.  Almost a month now, it seems adjusted and growing doing well. That's a large housefly you see !

Bulbophyllum agastor blooms

The second blooming from this plant bought from a US vendor Bill Thoms who specializes in premium and unique Bulbophyllums. You can find him on shopify. Plants are great and prices are reasonable.