Saturday, February 23, 2019

Have I grown bigger ??

While routine checking the orchids, could't resist this photo. I am sure many gigantee growers frequently wonder how much bigger the leaves have grown since the last measurement. Still a bit on the skinny side, a bit more feeding might produce rounder leaves.

Phal cornu-cervi flava, such rich yellow colour

This one hasn't flowered for a while after producing some keikis. The yellow bloom looks even better in the evening sun.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Begonia Ironcross babies ready to be repotted

I started with old 3 broken leaves from the mother plant. Cut them up and planted them into the media of my hybernating Amorphophallus titanum around end Oct 2018. Four months later they are ready to be repotted. Those pieces of leaves with the stalks were the first to produce new growths.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The fruitty ones

I have a collection of fruit trees too, most are trimmed regularly to stay as shrubs. I would really love to see the fruits from the jabuticaba although it might still be quite a while ! I sometimes try to germinate seeds from fruits that are quite difficult to grow here, grapes, persimon, bluberries etc. I keep them in the fridge or freezer to simulate the cold seasons before taking them out to germinate. Sometime it works sometimes it doesn't... the fun is just being able to see the seeds germinate. I suppose the same can be done with tulip bulbs.  

Some other scented flowering plants

Not quite as challenging as orchids but great to have around the garden. Some of the fragrant flowering plants....  no special treatment... they get Gaviota 67 too.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Phal bellina chen

After the overniight rain.

Phal stephanie chen

Another variation of the Phal stephanie chen. Phal teck whye X Phal ambonosa alba.

Dendrobium wassellii

Transplanted from the palm tree onto a fern bark recently. Unusual looking specie orchid with small white flowers. Very cute.