Thursday, April 11, 2019

Sorry for the silence..... Went galanvanting !

Went to chase the cherry blossoms, planned last year but missed the trip because the blooms were much earlier than expected by almost 2 weeks. This year my guess was much better. Still it was not perfect. We had planned to land in tokyo last week of march , 2 to 3 days after the start of cherry blossoms,  leave after a few days just as the blooms near peak and arrive in shizuoka then kyoto and osaka to experience the cherry trees in full bloom but  just before the trip the weather went cold hit by a stream of cold air delaying the blooming process, what was supposed to be peak blooms by end of march became only 50% to 70% and the sky became cloudy and day temperature dropped to below 15 C. Luckily we managed to make some adjustments and could delay departure by a few days to enjoy the warmer sunny weather and catch the kyoto and osaka cherry trees in full bloom.