Wednesday, December 20, 2017

We are online !

Finally got the system up and running after some modification..... Basic network up and running. divided into 4 watering zones. The orchid zones come on at 5.00am and 5.15 am respectively with each watering lasting 12 minutes. The plant zones come on at 5.30 am and 5.45am also for 12 minutes. The afternoon session comes on at 4.45pm and 5.00 pm for orchids and 5.15 pm, 5.30pm for plants each runs for 10 minutes.   The next step will be to check and fill in the blind spots.

The wires connect to the rain sensors which works perfrctly and cuts off watering whenever it rains.  I put in a vaccum breaker to prevent backflow, pressure reducer to bring the water pressure down to a constant 25psi so the drippers and misters don't get forces out of the tubings. You also see some adapters as the various parts come in 1/2" and 3/4" sizes.

I use 1/2" tubings for the main lines and 4mm tubings for the feeder lines.