Saturday, October 21, 2017

Phalaenopsis appendiculata

Trying tro do a crossing between 2 blooming appendiculatas. The blooms are so small and the pollens really tiny !!!!   Just trying to see clearly with the watch makers' magnifier strains the eyes.  Will update if successful.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The eagle keeps getting better

Phalaenopsis tying shin fly eagle, this one is getter better and better as it adapts to my growing enviromnent. Its just beautiful. Tying Shin orchids created this and registered it in 2011 according to the Orchid Register. A masterful stroke of genius.

Phalaenopsis tying shin fly eagle

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Selfing done...

Couldn't resist doing a selfing yesterday ..... now we wait !!  Fingers crossed.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Same same but different !

This week , a first bloom for 2 seedlings from the same seed pod. This is the reason why the process might become routine but the excitment never stops because you can never really predict accurately what the outcome will be.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Bulbophyllum agastor

Bought this from Bill Thoms after a long search. Its been here alomst 16 months. I grow it mounted on fern bark and under 50% shade netting. Its happy with 2 waterings a day when there is no rain. Flowering for the first time since I bought it  :)

Bulbophyllum agastor 

Princess blooms

Always happy to see this one bloom...

Phalaenopsis kung's princess

Phalaenopsis bellina coerulea

I have not taken or posted much photos of this bellina. Bought from a Taiwanese grower at one 2012 WOC. Its in the background but not forgotten.

Phalaenopsis bellina coerulea 

Phalaenopsis gentle jack

A hybrid from Phalaenopsis gigantea and tetrapis C1 ,  it retains the big leaf characteristics of the gigantea.  

Phalaenopsis gentle jack