Monday, March 11, 2019


The process is not too difficult, I didn't want to break the bottles so all that was needed was a few gentle shakes then with the help of a korean metal chopstick ( wiped with alcohol) the seedlings came out of the bottle quite easily. I am using mid size plastic food containers, these are good as they allow light and maintain high humidity. I made holes in the bottom for drainage. media is just spaghnum moss to start. The media is washed off the seedling roots and they are given a short soak in a diluted fungicide solution. I sort them out grouping the larger ones of the same parentage together into one container. Placed on the moist moss, they are kept covered in a bright area with some morning sun. Remember to remove the covers if the sun is direct otherwise the seedlings will get cooked. First few days I keep the humidity high so that they don't get shocked in the new environment. Holes are slowly added on to allow the seedlings to adjust to open air growing.

I use Lushgro Tuber from eco city hydrophonics to encourage new root growth and Gaviota 63 both very diluted.

Sun bathing.....