Friday, June 8, 2012

Phalaenopsis bellina DPB 1

The Phalaenopsis bellina has always been a favourite of mine and over the years I have collected quite a few. While bellinas are now commonly available, experienced growers will know that premium bellinas are still rare.... amongst the many that I have seen, my favourites are still the wild jungle collected ones + the refined versions created by Uncle Moi Hwa of Moi Hwa Nursery.

***To protect the interest of Moi Hwa Nursery & Uncle Moi Hwa  who created and own the naming rights to many of the unregistered hybrids posted in this blog, parentage will not be mentioned.

A few months back, I shifted my phals to a new cooler growing area and many bellinas are now starting to bloom under the new growing conditions.

This wild specimen has large blooms and that unique untamed look.

Phalaenopsis violacea alba DPVA 2

Another violacea alba, this particular one is very floriferous and has been constantly in bloom from the multi-spikes. I am curious what a crossing with the jungle specimen will produce.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Phalaenopsis violacea alba DPVA 1

This Phalaenopsis violacea alba is an old specie orchid bought during the days when wild jungle orchids were available. I remember it was quite pricy as the alba form was not common then. It suffered rot a few times but have since recovered and is now healthy and blooming again. Very very fragrant !

Monday, June 4, 2012

Black Alocasia

Another leafy aroid that I like. Very distinct markings and unusually stiff leaves. This is potentially another large plant so mine still has a long way to grow. The colour of the leaves can vary from black to dark imperial jade green depending on lighting conditions.

Blooming Lophophora Williamsii

My peyote is blooming again....   didn't managed to successfully pollinate the flower the last time it bloomed so I am giving it another shot.


Cyclanthus bipartitus

This plant first caught my eye at the Botanical Gardens, beautiful large green leaves, very noble very elegant. They remind me of the aquatic Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicusthat I used to grow in my plant tank only they are many many times larger.  The cyclanthus I have has been grown in the ground and is now quite tall. This is a beautiful plant that provide lots of shade for smaller plants like begonias.

The legend comes of age

Last week I also found time to visit Koh Keng Hoe Nursery after reading about his closing down sale. Met my friend William for lunch at Adam Road FC before walking over to the nursery. Uncle Koh was his usual cheerful self, showing us around and telling us about his orchids, how age is catching up with him and that he needs to reluctantly sell off his massive collection of heritage orchids. I would have thought that the Botanical Gardens, Gardens By The Bay or Nparks will be among the first to take this opportunity to acquire and preserve one of the best collections of Singapore's Heritage Orchids. I was curious about his Vanda nellie mortley, Vanda tan chay yan and the Vanda JVB. Uncle also recomended the Vanda tricuspidata. He showed me a prized rare cutting of a very floriferous high quality Vanda tan chay yan. The price ?    .........  not for the faint hearted. 

Another of his Vanda tan chay yan in bloom and for sale.

Phalaenopsis dragon tree eagle

Phalaenopsis dragon tree eagle, a nice Taiwanese hybrid thats very free flowering.

Phalaenopsis teoh tee teong bellina DP3T 1

Many of the phalaenopsis are coming into bloom. This Phalaenopsis teoh tee teong bellina is one of those in the collection blooming.

Philodendron pastazanum

Couple of weeks back I put up a few excess plants and cuttings for sale and got pretty good response. I slao found out that the philodendron mamei that I bought at the 2010 Garden Festival which I suspected to be a philodendron gloriosum is actually a philodendron pastazanum thanks to a well informed aroid grower. Reference HERE    



I have several varieties but these are two of my favourites. This pink version does great in full sun. The colour becomes very intense and the leaves can grow to become quite large.

The other is the not so common white version. Leaves are really large and the patterns really nice and intricate.