Saturday, October 27, 2018

Second bloom opens up !

I crossed the first bloom with a nice Taiwanese hybrid. Looks like a 50/50 chance of success. Thr first flower definitely looks better than the second.

Cycle of life.....

The after effects of selfing see the blooms withering as the plant channels energy towards formation of seedpods.

Begonia ironcross propagation

Squatting on the Amophophophallus pot while the plant is in dormancy. I am trying to propagate my Begonia ironcross by leaf cuttings.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Seedlings are grown together on a large fern bark or cork bark. I find it easier to manage them this way compared to growing them in compots or individually. Saves a lot of space too.
This batch is ready to bloom.

Vanda hybrid in bloom

A Vanda coerulea hybrid in bloom.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Gouji berry

Usually sold in the dried version and a common ingredient thats added to soups. The fresh fruits has a texture and taste more like little korean strawberries.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Some like it hot !

While the weather gets unberably hot, for us and some plants, others actually love being in the heat !  This Bulbophyllum medusa is putting on a show.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Rat tail in full bloom

The Paraphalaenopsis denevei is now in full bloom. I counted 9 flowers. Will enjoy the flowers another day or 2 then try do do some selfing. The little fertiliser container on top of the plant holds Japan Orchids Be-1 pellets. Together with HB-101 they are my most used fertiliser for plants and orchids supplemented with Gaviota 63&67.

Cherry blossoms in autumn, Osmanthus in Singapore

Yes freak weather everywhere.... Cherry blossoms are blooming in autumn according to the news reports. My osmanthus plants brought back from Guilin are also blooming !

Not exotic but beautiful !

You dont really need exotic stuff to produce nice flowers ....   This was a piece of left over ginger that was thrown out to grow in the garden.   Beautiful flowers comparable to some exotic highland orchids !